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一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

1.far 2.sixty 3.bike 4.wait 5.cat

二、Listen and judge.听录音,判断与所听内容相符的写R,不符的写W

1.This is an old scarf.

2.He is wearing red trousers.

3.Let’s go to the restaurant to eat some ice cream.

4.Candy isn’t good for your teeth.

5.Go straight and turn right.

三、Listen and choose.听问句,选出正确的答语。

1.Are these your gloves?

2.How much is it?

3.Where are you?

4.Where’s Lily?

5.What do you want to buy?

四、Listen and write.听录音,补全短文。

This is a desk.It’s brown.A red book is on the desk.And a pink pencil is beside the book.A brown ball is under the desk.A blue chair is near the desk.

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