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Text 1

W:Why dont we go for a picnic this weekend?

M:Good idea! I would see about the car and you prepare the food.

Text 2

M:Id like to invite you to my new house next weekend.

W:Thank you,but Im not sure when Ill have time at the moment.

Text 3

W:Good morning.May I help you?

M:No,thank you.Im just looking around.

W:Take your time then.

Text 4

M:Why were you late for such an important concert? Luckily,Mary who took your place played her piece well enough.

W:Sorry,but the plane arrived at the airport after a delay of three hours.

Text 5

M:Why dont we take a break? The job calls for so much energy.

W:Didnt we just have one?




Text 6

W:He is very good,isnt he?

M:Sorry,what did you say?

W:I said the singer is great.


W:Have you seen him here before?

M:Oh,yes.Hes always at exactly the same place on Saturdays when I come into town.I think he probably writes the music and words because Ive never heard any of the songs before.

W:Its not fair.

M:What do you mean?

W:People with musical ability like that have to stand around here to make a living.

M:Perhaps he enjoys it or makes more money than you think.

W:I hope so.


Text 7

W:Look at this sofa.What do you think?

M:Oh,Im not sure I like the style.But its too heavy-looking.

W:Is it comfortable? Try it.

M:Mmm,its really comfortable.And Id like to have something this size.Our old sofa is too small.This size is perfect.

W:What do you think of the color?

M:Well,green isnt my favorite color,but yellow is.Anyway its better than that awful brown one we have now.Its okay,I guess.

W:How much is it?

M:Oh,no! Its $999! Thats really too expensive.We cant afford it right now.

W:I know.Why dont we wait till next month for their mid-year sale? It might be cheaper then.

M:Hey,thats a good idea.


Text 8

W:Why do I always have to show my ID?

M:Hey,they do it to protect you.

W:I have put away all the money into my savings account.

M:How can you live without cash?

W:I get money from the cash machine…forty dollars at a time.

M:I cant stand you.Dont they charge for these cash machines?

W:It depends on what kind of account you have and whether you have enough money in it.

M:And you have that much money saved?

W:How else am I going to pay for college? Save,save,save.



Text 9

W:Good morning.Today were going to talk about one of my favorite topics:food.Its something we cant live without,yet we might take it for granted in some ways.Our guest today is Roger Sabata,a food scientist whos done a lot of research in this area.Welcome Mr.Sabata.

M:Thanks for having me.

W:So whats one of the biggest changes in eating habits that youve found?

M:Well,Id say that the biggest change is the amount of eating out that most of us do nowadays.

W:Id never really thought of it,but of course,thinking of my parents and how often they were likely to eat out compared to me in my life,well,its a lot different.

M:Exactly.And then kids nowadays eat out even more often.Teenagers are eating a lot more fast food than we used to! Now,think of some of the effects of this change in habits.

W:Id guess it probably isnt all that healthy.

M:Not really.For example,theres soda and soft drinks instead of milk.Twenty or 25 years ago,people — especially kids — drank a lot more milk.Nowadays,they drink about twice as much soda as they used to and a lot less milk.


Text 10

W:Well,I have read some new research on physical fitness — how even little activities can make you fitter.So,if you tap your feet a lot or move around in your chair,youll be in better shape.There was a research…let me see where it was.Oh,yes,it was at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.Anyway,they found that all kinds of minor everyday activities like standing up to stretch or getting off the sofa to change the TV channel could make a difference between being thin and being overweight.But if you have a remote control,it keeps you from moving.They also found that overweight people spent at least two hours more each day just sitting still.And,guess what,the extra activity of thinner people might make a difference of something like 10 to 30 pounds in weight per year.The lead researcher for the project says you dont necessarily have to go out and run ten miles.Just any little movement or activity could contribute to physical fitness.


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